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Test your skills with PentesterLab Exercise!

One of my personal favorite and the best platform to test your skill is PentesertLab. But before we begin there is some basic knowledge and skills you need to know before we start.

PentesterLab Exercise!

First thing first you must know :

1. Basic CLI (Command Line Interface) Linux
2. Some programming language skills, e.g HTML, PHP, Python or other language that are related with it.

And the tools...

1. BackTrack Linux - One of the best penetration distribution among pentester and got a lot of tools.
2. Metasploit - Is most popular hacking tools that widely use among the pentester.
3. Nmap - Free tools for host discovery, port scanner and etc.

There's a lot of exercises that we can do, forgot to mention you must either install VirtualBox or VMware player in order to run the platform is you already done that, then we ready to go. Also there is whitepaper for your reference before you begin the exercise. You might want to read this in case your forgot, might come in handy! :D

Best book ever!

Have fun & Happy Hacking!


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