For Wardriving purpose I recently bought a GPS USB from Lazada for about RM112 To setup and configure on your virtual machine, in this case I'm using Kali Linux 2018. First we have to install gpsd and gpsd-clients. apt install gpsd -y apt install gpsd-clients -y After all the installation is finish, next we can to check does our USB GPS is detect by running: ls /dev/gps* If the command above does not work you may run this command: ls /dev/tty* and it should get an output like this: You will notice there is a bottom right /dev/ttyUSB0 we will use that to run our gpsd Next we have to run: gpsd -n -N -D4 /dev/ttyUSB0 To check whether your GPS receiver has locked onto statellites we can use cpsg which is used to test clients for gpsd, run the following command in a new tab or terminal window $ cgps -s Now, our final step, plug in your Alfa Antenna and fire up kismet!
==Rip all of them! It serve you well==