Sometimes installing a Metasploit might come a messy when your ruby and gem are not in fully configure and install. Here are some better way to install it. Below step are for Ubuntu/Debian based linux step 1 : sudo apt - get update sudo apt - get upgrade step 2 : Install dependent packages sudo apt - get install build - essential libreadline - dev libssl - dev libpq5 libpq - dev libreadline5 libsqlite3 - dev libpcap - dev openjdk - 7 - jre git - core autoconf postgresql pgadmin3 curl zlib1g - dev libxml2 - dev libxslt1 - dev vncviewer libyaml - dev curl zlib1g - dev step 3 : Install Ruby curl - L https :// get . rvm . io | bash - s stable source ~ /.rvm/ scripts / rvm echo "source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/. bashrc source ~/. bashrc rvm install 2.1 . 6 rvm use 2.1 . 6 -- default ruby - v step 4 : Install and configure postgresql sudo apt - get install postgresql sudo - s su postgres createuser msf - P - S - R - D createdb - O msf msf ex...
==Rip all of them! It serve you well==