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Showing posts from March, 2013

SSH into your VM machine!

Just wanted to share with you some trick on #HowTo to access or whatever protocol that you might wanted use. In this case I'm using SSH. First, you need to check and change the network setting on your VM machine setting. I'm running VMware Workstation v9 for this tutorial. VMware Workstation Machine Settings On the " Network Connection ", choose " Custom: Specific virtual network ". Click the drop down button and select VMnet8 (NAT) and click OK. After all the setting are well configure next we need to check whether the SSH service are running or not. Using command /etc/init.d/ssh status if the service are running no need to do anything just leave it.  Final step, try to SSH into the VM machine. You can using whatever tools that you wanted to use, PUTTY or whatever tools that suite your need. In this case I'm using Cygwin  terminal to connect into my VM. Now we are SSH into our VM and ready to rocks!