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Showing posts from 2012

apt-get install CLI command for Cygwin

Installing a package using Linux CLI (Command Line Interface) like  " apt-get install " (Debian based) or " yum install " (Red-Hat based) is much more convenience that using GUI to install an tools or software and the like. It's automatically install and do everything you like and you just have to wait it to be complete and ready to run :) But for Windows user who wish to have a Linux environment on their Windows box they can install "Cygwin". With Cygwin you can run your Windows box like Linux, and it's kind like a hybrid "win-nix". Cygwin Logo If you forgot to select and install the necessary package that you wanted to some command will be not available to run or it might pop-out an error message like "command not found" or "invalid command " Now, if you wish to run a command like a mention above " apt-get install ", you can download the code here  make the script executable using chmod and move...

Malay-Word Bash Generator Script

Using curl & sed a utility command in Linux CLI (command line interface), we can grab all the word and save it into the txt files. Here are the code : #/bin/sh for w in {A..Z}; do curl$w | sed '/<li>/,/<\/li>/!d' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' | sed '/^$/d' | sed 's/, /\n/g' |  sed '/\[sunting/d' | sed '/<!--/,/<\-->/d' > $w.txt; echo "Counting Lines.."; wc -l $w.txt; echo "Appending File $w to ALL.txt"; cat $w.txt >> ALL.txt; done Open up your text editor nano, vim or whatever text editor you like. Paste the code and save it. Not to forget, make the file executable using "chmod +x" That's it!
Using Hash Identifier to identify the hash before send to JTR (John The Ripper) Download it here ! This tool might save you a lot time to identifier the hash that you wish to be crack. Go luck and Happy Cracking!

Know your HASH

DES(Unix) Example: IvS7aeT4NzQPM Used in Linux and other similar OS. Length: 13 characters. Description: The first two characters are the salt (random characters; in our example the salt is the string "Iv"), then there follows the actual hash. Notes: [1] [2] Domain Cached Credentials Example: Admin:b474d48cdfc4974d86ef4d24904cdd91 Used for caching passwords of Windows domain. Length: 16 bytes. Algorithm: MD4(MD4(Unicode($pass)).Unicode(strtolower($userna me))) Note: [1] MD5(Unix) Example: $1$12345678$XM4P3PrKBgKNnTaqG9P0T/ Used in Linux and other similar OS. Length: 34 characters. Description: The hash begins with the $1$ signature, then there goes the salt (up to 8 random characters; in our example the salt is the string "12345678"), then there goes one more $ character, followed by the actual hash. Algorithm: Actually that is a loop calling the MD5 algorithm 2000 times. Notes: [1] [2] MD5(APR) Example: $apr1$12345678$auQSX8Mvzt.tdBi4y6Xgj. ...

SQL Injection & Web Application for dummies

SQL Injection & Web Application for dummies The best place to learn & hack web application is with OWASP Broken Web Application OWASPBWA Interface This covers all web application included:  http basic Access Control Flaws AJAX Security Authentication Flaws Buffer Overflows Code Quality Concurrency XSS Improper Error Handling Injection Flaws Denial Of Service Insecure Communication Insecure Configuration Insecure Storage Malicious Execution Parameter Tampering Session Management Flaws Web Services Admin Functions WebGoat start page You can download the source code it here . Hopefully this may lead you more into understanding in web application system and learn how to.

Windows 8 Vulnerability

Window 8 " winrm_powershell" vulnerability  I really can't wait for this new vulnerability for windows 8 possibly a critical issue for the Microsoft to fix this. Currently Metasploit exploit are still not available yet for me to test it. Hopefully it will arrive soon for me to test it! msf  exploit(winrm_powershell) > show options Module options (exploit/windows/winrm/winrm_powershell):    Name      Current Setting  Required  Description    ----      ---------------  --------  -----------    DOMAIN    WORKSTATION      yes       The domain to use for Windows authentification    PASSWORD  omfg             no        A specific password to authenticate with    Proxies                    no     ...

Nmap & Nessus via Metasploit

Nmap & Nessus with Metasploit These tools are most popular and widely use for pentester. Actually this tools can be integrated with Metasploit? By using "db_nmap" & "db_nessus" command it will store are the hosts information inside the database.  Nmap logo On the previous version of the Metasploit, we can using the scanning result either Nmap or Nessus and run "db_autopwn" command, but on the latest version of the Metasploit this command has cause Metasploit to crash due to all the automated attack. Nessus Logo Currently I still looking for good & automated script to do the autopwn attack. I just found this script on the github written by Dark Operator, who contributed a lot for Metasploit Framework project he also part of the community project with the Rapid7. Love it! You can download the script at here .